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Our Mandate

The overall purpose of the UCSCU is to foster the organization and development of savings and credit cooperatives in Uganda and to improve their internal operations. Our specific objectives include;

  • To Develop and conduct education and training programmes to educate savings and credit cooperatives in proper methods, procedures, and principles of safe and sound operations. We offer trainings to SACCOs elected representatives, staff, members and study groups. The trainings are carried out both onsite and offsite (at SACCO premises and in workshops).
  • To carryout publicity and public relations activities as may be required to inform, influence, maintain, broaden community awareness and public understanding of SACCOs
  • To lobby and advocate for prudent legislation of SACCOs
  • Design and offer financial management programmes
  • Promote networking and linkage between SACCOs
  • To carry out on-site mentoring (hand-holding) of staff, Boards and Supervisory committee through demonstrations, field attachments and study visits
  • To engage in research and supply related information as required by members
  • Provide an international link with other world bodies having similar objectives