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Talent Attraction and Management for High Performing Teams in Saccos Training & Mentorship Program

January 23 @ 8:00 am January 24 @ 5:00 pm EAT

Recent events in the SACCO movement and financial services sector have proved to many of us that staff numbers may not at all times guarantee efficiency and productivity at the workplace. There are instances of big numbers with low output and small numbers with a higher output. This calls for effective talent management, staff flexibility in the human resource, staff development and placement as an integral part of any organization for a proper fit and achievement of its goals.

Talent Management relates entirely to the whole system of attraction, Identification, Development, engagement, retention, and deployment of those individuals who are of particular value to the organization and goes up succession planning. 

Uganda Cooperatives Savings and Credit Union the national apex for SACCOs in Uganda Whose core mandate is to promote and empower SACCO sector through high quality specialized financial and non-financial services for their sustainability.

In view of the above UCSCU has organized a two days Residential, practical and highly interactive Sessions on Talent Attraction & Management, Succession planning for SACCOs and the Intrinsic role of supervisors in nurturing Talent scheduled to take place on the 23rd -24th January 2025 at the UCSCU SACCO Academy.

The target participants are CEOs, Managers, HR committee members, Managers, Operational Managers/committees and Credit supervisors in the SACCO and will benefit from a team of experienced HR and processes managers and facilitators at different levels.

Participants shall be required to contribute UGX. 250,000 for residents and 200,000 for non-residents respectively.

Kindly confirm your participation with us by 20th January 2025 with a call on either of the following addresses for proper planning and arrangements.
