Managing an Effective Credit Function for SACCOs

SACCO Academy - UCSCU Head Office Maganjo uganda cooperative savings and credit union, Kampala, Central, Uganda

TARGET GROUP: Loan Committees, Credit Supervisors, Loan Officers

Strengthening the Internal Control Framework in SACCOs

SACCO Academy - UCSCU Head Office Maganjo uganda cooperative savings and credit union, Kampala, Central, Uganda

TARGET GROUP: Managers/CEOs, Internal Auditors, Finance Managers/Accountants, Credit Supervisors

Finance Management for Non-Financial Managers

SACCO Academy - UCSCU Head Office Maganjo uganda cooperative savings and credit union, Kampala, Central, Uganda

TARGET GROUP: Board and Board Committees, Supervisory Board, Managers/CEOs

Member Profiling for Effective Product Development

SACCO Academy - UCSCU Head Office Maganjo uganda cooperative savings and credit union, Kampala, Central, Uganda

TARGET GROUP: Board Chairpersons, Credit Managers, Treasurers, Mobilization/Education Committees

8th Annual National SACCO Conference

hotel africana Plot 2-4 Wampewo Avenue, Kampala, Central, Uganda

Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union Limited is the National Apex for SACCOs in Uganda. The Union’s mission is to promote and empower the SACCO sector in Uganda by providing quality specialized financial and non-financial services for their sustainability It is against this back ground that the Union has organized the 8th Annual National SACCO... View Article


UCSCU has organized an international benchmarking/ Study visit for Ugandan-based SACCOs to Kenya. Purpose of the study visit. The study visit seeks to reinvigorate the SACCO sector in Uganda as a potential Vehicle for social economic transformation through learning and sharing of knowledge from other successful stakeholders in the same industry in Kenya Study Objectives... View Article

Attraction and Maintenance Strategies for High Performing Teams

SACCO Academy - UCSCU Head Office Maganjo uganda cooperative savings and credit union, Kampala, Central, Uganda

TARGET GROUP: Managers/CEOs, Human Resource Committee, Operations Committee, Operations Managers, Human Resource Managers

Training on Strategies and Values for Creating Member Loyalty in SACCOs

SACCO Academy - UCSCU Head Office Maganjo uganda cooperative savings and credit union, Kampala, Central, Uganda

Background Over the years cooperatives have thrived by numbers, trust and member patronage. It is one step to come together for a certain cause and yet another uphill task to keep constructively together over time.  This can only be achieved if all players in the SACCO get to appreciation that; SACCOs are not driven by... View Article


Women Mentorship Program  Echo Uganda 2024

SACCO Academy - UCSCU Head Office Maganjo uganda cooperative savings and credit union, Kampala, Central, Uganda

Program Overview Woman in both Management and Board positions in SACCOs add up to 31%. this is due to lack of exposure or awareness or intentional mentorship opportunities and stack mindset.The woman mentorship program will increase the number of women in SACCO leadership by 10% by 2027. Program Brief The WMP is an echo program... View Article