Implementation of guidelines issued by Government on COVID 19 pandemic

Implementation of guidelines issued by Government on COVID 19 pandemic

By UCSCU Media | April 4, 2020

To all Cooperators (SACCOs),

Following the Directives issued by H.E. The President of Uganda in March 2020, aimed at protecting the citizens of Uganda from COVID 19 global pandemic, UCSCU wishes to announce that all our offices will remain closed for 14 days but our staff will continue to work remotely from home. We can be reached on email, or

The Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union (UCSCU) advise SACCOs as follows:

  1. Comply with the directives of H.E, the president of Uganda and follow to the dot the Standard Operating procedures in place and those to be issued in future in order to prevent or reduce the spread of COVID 19.
  2. SACCOs should as much as possible within the directives issued make available members savings to those who might want to access them. You need to continually advise members to only withdraw their savings if they must!
  3. Disbursement of loans can be restricted to emergence or small loans with short term loan periods. SACCOs should also encourage their members to pay what they can to reduce the future burden of their loans.
  4. SACCOs should encourage their members to stock enough food for at least a month; SACCOs can now apply the concern for the community principle by providing/giving the vulnerable individuals in the Society with basic necessities to prevent COVID 19.
  5. SACCOs should also limit expenses and avoid cash outflows that can be avoided or deferred.

The Union will continue to engage the key stakeholders in the country to ensure that our concerns are heard to enable the SACCO sector continuously serve its members. On that note, you are reminded to submit your SACCO data because we shall need it to engage stakeholders.

As we endure this period of great uncertainty, together we shall make it through. STAY SAFE.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Sylivester Ndiroramukama

Chief Executive Officer

CC: The Chairperson-Board UCSCU